Well, we have had a whirl of activity in our home the past couple of weeks. The old adage, “when it rains it pours” comes to mind. Oh the stories I could share, but those will have to wait for another time.
This of course is the week that I have been setting up my brick and mortar shop at Sweet Clover Barn, a 50 acre horse farm in Fredrick, MD. I have been busy finishing up some last minute projects, brainstorming the layout, carrying pieces upstairs (I need to start weight lifting again), decorating the space and tagging items. I can’t wait for you to see how everything is shaping up. While tweaking things thursday morning – I had some exciting ideas for next month’s sale too. Here is a glimpse of what’s in store…

Here is a peek at the entire space, but I would love for you to check it out in person. Stop by Sweet Clover Barn today – Sunday between the hours of 10 – 5pm. The barn looks amazing and there is also a small cottage behind the barn that you can shop in as well. I also hear that they have some amazing food trucks coming so you can make it a fun outing to the country. Enjoy!

For those of you that have never been, here is how to find Sweet Clover Barn:

4051 Stanford Ct.
Frederick MD, 21703
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10AM-5PM, the third weekend of the month.